Deaf-Blind Communication Cards
KCDHH offers two kinds of cards which can help Deaf-Blind individuals communicate with hearing people in various situations. The Laminated Communication Cards pictured below come in two different sizes – 3.5” x 2” and 4.25” x 5.5” – with information on the front and back. The yellow one is for those who identify themselves as Deaf-Blind, while the gray one is for individuals who may have a lesser degree of hearing and vision loss. These cards are printed with communication tips on one side and a list of helpful communication aids on the other. The cards may be ordered free of charge by contacting the KCDHH office.
Walk in or write to:
Kentucky Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
632 Versailles Rd.
Frankfort, KY 40601
(800) 372-2907 (V/T)
(502) 573-2604 (V/T)
(502) 416-0607
The second card is a Design-Your-Own Communication Card, that allows individuals to type in their own contact information, enter the name and phone number of their emergency contact, and choose from a list of communication needs those that meet their individual needs best. Also included on the card are a list of communication tips, a statement about access requirements, and contact information for KCDHH. Once the information has been entered in the online form, the card can be printed in the individual’s own home for immediate use.
Laminated Communication Cards
3.5 x 2 Communication Card Yellow (front). |
3.5 x 2 Communication Card Yellow (back). |
3.5 x 2 Communication Card Gray (front). |
3.5 x 2 Communication Card Gray (back). |
4.25 x 5.5 Communication Card Yellow (front). |
4.25 x 5.5 Communication Card Yellow (back). |
4.25 x 5.5 Communication Card Gray (front). |
4.25 x 5.5 Communication Card Gray (back). |
Deaf-Blind Communication Card
This card is something a deaf-blind person can use to communicate to others their specific communication needs.
Create then print a Deaf-Blind Communication Card now!