Library Resources

"Knowledge is love and light and vision."
-- Helen Keller
The lending library at KCDHH plays an important role by increasing and strengthening opportunities for learning about hearing loss, Deaf culture and history, combined hearing and vision loss, and associated communication considerations such as interpreting and captioning. KCDHH has the following publications relating to deaf-blindness, which are available for circulation upon request:
- Deaf Teen Sexual Assault Prevention: A Curriculum for Deaf, Deaf-Blind, and Hard of Hearing Teenagers
- Educational Approaches
- Guidelines: Practical Tips for Working and Socializing with Deaf-Blind People
- Haptics Communication
- Helen Keller
- Living Skills: A guide to Independence for Individuals with Deaf-Blindness
- The National Curriculum: An Introduction to Working and Socializing with People who are Deaf-Blind
- The Story of My Life Helen Keller: Supplementary materials
- A Family’s Guide to Interveners
- Understanding Deaf-Blindness
Information regarding library hours and check-out procedures can be found at the link below.
Resource library
The Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA) also offers a wealth of information and resources as well as specialized programs related to education and literacy. Some of what they offer is for state employees only, but the majority of resources are available to the public. You can access their website using the link below.
Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives
For your convenience, direct links to specific programs and resources on KDLA’s website are provided below; however, these and others resources can also be accessed by browsing their main website (above).