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Children's Program Emcee

Peter Cook
Peter S. Cook is an Internationally reputed Deaf performing artist whose works incorporates American Sign Language, pantomime, storytelling, acting, and movement. Peter has traveled extensively around the country and aboard with Flying Words Project to promote ASL Literature with Kenny Lerner since 1986. Peter has appeared in Live from Off Center’s “Words on Mouth” (PBS) and “ United States of Poetry” (PBS) produced by Emmy winner Bob Holman. Peter is also associate professor for ASL-English Interpretation at Columbia College Chicago where he received the 1997 Excellence in Teaching award. In 1998, Peter set up a video production called PC Production and have been producing more than ten videos including the award winning video, ‘A Gator Ride to the Dentist’.
Peter was featured nationally in festivals such as the Jonesboro National Storytelling Festival, Oklahoma City Winter Tales, Illinois Storytelling Festival, Indiana Hoosier Storytelling Festival, Eugene Oregon Multi-Cultural Festival, and The Deaf Way II and the Millennium Stage at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. Peter was invited to the White House to join the National Book Festival in 2003. Internationally, Peter has worked with Deaf storytellers/poets in Austria, Latvia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Italy and Japan.
Peter can be contacted by email: pscookprod@aol.com. DVD can be purchased thru www.deafpetercookonline.com

Clay and Levi Anderson |
How often do you get to see Deaf and hearing twins on stage talking about their experiences as individuals or ... perhaps as twins? Hence, the Anderson twins, with their tad heavy, bald Deaf men coming in to provide the humor perspective to entertain the Deaf Communities, hearing or deaf alike, across the nation!
Levi and Clay Anderson grew up in the small New Mexico town of Milan. They were the only twins in the town, and Levi was the only Deaf child. They tried as hard as they could to be saints, but unfortunately trouble seemed to find them. And being in such a small town, their father would always be the first to know!
“This is where the boys get their sense of humor, they have been trying to impress people since they were in diapers!” said their dad, Frank Anderson.
Clay and Levi have come up with a show that will have you laughing out loud. Of course, the show is based on real-life events, made-up imaginations (Realistic, of course!) and stuff that is impossible to be told but someone has to do this, right?
They join us again in 2012 for the fourth time and will appear in the Children’s program and SpotLights Main Stage.

Tammy Ellis |
Tamara “Tammy” Ellis is a nationally known Deaf entertainer. She first made her debut at various US schools for the Deaf and performed for audiences at Gallaudet University, Deaf Awareness functions and several Deaf Festivals across the country. Her performance captivates children and adults with mimic dialogue and improvisational skits that warm the hearts of every audience. She has built a reputation in the Deaf community with her performances and has worked with many renowned Deaf entertainers such as Peter Cook, Linda Bove, Chuck Baird, Bill Carwile, Phyllis Frelich, and C.J. Jones.
Tammy has performed at DeaFestival off and on since 1998 and we welcome her back in 2012 as she appears in the Children’s program as well as on the SpotLights stage. |

Kellie Martin
I am currently an art major/theatre minor at Gallaudet University. I come from the Deep South with a big heart with strong (font?) Here, you can see the variety of arts, which goes to show that I am an expressive outlaw! One interesting fact: I always bring my portable drawing sketch with me wherever I travel.

Mindy Moore
Mindy Moore is widely considered a deaf multi-talented lady. The passion of theater has always been in her blood. She departed from high school for Gallaudet University and became drawn into the TV/Media program. While at Gallaudet, she composed scripts and performed in the TV show, Deaf Moonlite Show, and also was involved in several sitcoms. This is when Mindy became spellbound with the film aspect of performing. Mindy passed the experience she had achieved to students at Texas School for the Deaf, where she also works as a Drama/Deaf Studies and Art instructor. She starred in the film “Forget Me Not” and the film “The Wrong Game”, both of which were avid successes.
Mindy travels all over America with her husband Theron Parker and two sons, Elon and Nash. The stellar duo is always conducting workshops, performances, and children's storytelling. Theron and Mindy have been scripting and filming commercials in their spare time. In addition to all these accomplishments, Mindy is also a producer for ASL FILMS and is in the process of establishing her own non-profit organization for children's movies.
Mindy has appeared at DeaFestival numerous times, several with Theron, and we welcome her back in 2012 as she appears in the Children’s Program and serves as emcee for the Jam Tent.

Liliana Morgan |
Liliana Morgan is a deaf Russian who brings tradition, art, culture, and history to all of her audiences. Every performance lights up the stage with dazzling costumes and colorful depictions of Russia's diverse culture and folklore. Liliana presents lectures and demonstrations of traditional Russia dance and Russia Sign language. Her programs include the history of the Deaf Life in Russia. Liliana has been entertaining audiences throughout the U.S., Europe, and as far away as Japan for more than 15 years. |

Matthew & Liliana Morgan |
Matthew's grandfather introduced him to magic at the age of six, and ever since, Matthew has been fascinated with all things magic. Creating illusions is Matthew’s true art, his magic skills have been perfected in countless performances across the country.
Under the stage name 'Magic Morgan', Matthew Morgan has been invited to appear throughout the United States and abroad. Magic Morgan combines the arts of illusion, close-up magic, and comedy to mystify the audience, regardless of age. Some of the tricks up his sleeve feature live animals during his magical performances. On top of these surprises, Magic Morgan's unique blend of humor and mime is sure to thrill any audience!
He recently gained a partner, a wife, Liliana who is a dancer herself and grew up in Russia. Matthew met her during one of his visits abroad, fell in love and worked to bring her to America. They have two children. Both Matthew and Liliana will appear at this year’s DeaFestival-Kentucky! |

Crom Saunders
Crom Saunders decided, on a whim, to write in “Deaf” under ethnicity on a fifth-grade survey and has remained that way ever since. Crom was once a character in a 1920’s farce but after the show was canceled, he never got the memo and kept on evolving into a real person-like Pinocchio, but without the creepy puppet stuff. Crom feeds off the energy of live audiences, and therefore tries to be in front of one as much as possible, all over the world. Crom’s lifetime goal is to perform his “Moses the Cat” in a new sign language at least once every year. Crom tends to make a lot of stuff up, or be funny, or at least funny-looking while on stage. He writes stuff. He does stuff. He’s a stuff expert. Crom also has the most amazing pair of eyebrows ever seen in 21st century America.

Theron Parker |
Theron Parker leads a notable career as a performer, instructor and presenter. Theron, renowned for his ABC stories, has produced four DVDs: In the Minds of Ed and Theron, Have ASL, Will Travel: Fables from Around the World, Folklore from Around the World, and Little Deaf Spies. Theron also appeared in Forget Me Not, and served as an assistant producer, set production assistant, and camera technician for ASL Films.
Theron also was part of Illusion of ASL, a deaf theater group, for five years. A certified Baby Signs® instructor, he teaches literacy through American Sign Language for his non-profit organization, ABC ASL, working with children and parents. A popular presenter, Theron travels the country and Canada to present workshops on different topics, ranging from Deaf humor to Deaf history to ASL storytelling. Theron’s videos can be seen on YouTube, or on www.justmindy.com.
For Theron, ASL storytelling is the most beautiful music imaginable. With its natural beauty and expressiveness, he aspires to expose ASL to as many generations of deaf children and hearing people as possible. He makes his home with his family in Austin, TX.
More Performers Coming Soon!
Sandy Frank
Travis Zornoza