Presentations and Workshops

Do you feel your staff could benefit from some sensitivity training? Do your employees need tips on how to work with a co-worker that has a hearing loss? Does your facility need to know what is required of them when they work with deaf/hard of hearing individuals? Are your deaf/hard of hearing students in need of some self-advocacy training?
KCDHH staff does presentations, workshops and trainings on many topics related to hearing loss. Below is a partial list of topics and titles we have on hand. If you feel you need something more tailored for your situation/audience, we are more than happy to create something to fit your needs.
Whether you need a one hour presentation or an all day workshop, just let us know by sending us an email.
Workshop Topics
ADA Advocacy - “Navigating Advocacy” Deaf Awareness - “Deafness 101” Deaf Culture DeaFestival Deaf Patients - “Deaf/Hard of Hearing Patients…Are You Ready?" Domestic Violence - “Working with Victims Who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing” Emergency Preparedness - “WARNING: Communication Barriers Ahead” Employment - “Working Effectively with Deaf/Hard of Hearing Employees” Empowerment - “Dare 2 Dream” KCDHH KCDHH Telecommunications Access Program Leadership - “The Who, What, When, Where, Why & How of Leadership” Self Advocacy - “If Life Gives You Lemons…” Sensitivity Training – “Invisible Intolerance” |