Information Services FAQ
Click on a question below to see the answer.
The KCDHH has a program called the Telecommunications Access Program which provides free telephone equipment to assist deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired persons on the phone. You can learn more about what the program has to offer by clicking Telecommunications Access Program.
There are a multitude of agencies that offer financial assistance to individuals who cannot afford to purchase hearing aids. Click here to find the Hearing Aid Financial Resources (Accessible PDF) closest to you.
Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires doctors, lawyers and many other public accommodations to provide accommodations that will give deaf and hard of hearing individuals access to effective communication.
Please see our Your Rights and the Law page to learn about the various laws that apply to accommodations and which agency you should contact if your request for equal access is denied.
Go to our Education page for information and resources related to education for deaf and hard of hearing children.
Please visit our Parents page to learn about programs and services that are available to assist families with deaf and hard of hearing children.
Please visit the Board of Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to find a list of fully licensed interpreters. If you are a state agency and need an interpreter or captioner, you may contact our Access Center and ask that they find the interpreter/captioner for you.
For assistance with other questions or concerns that are not listed here please contact the Access Center.