VOLUME 40, NO. 11                                                                         NOVEMBER, 2022


 kynect 2023 Enrollment Health, Dental Benefits Open


Governor Andy Beshear announced that Kentuckians can now shop and enroll for health and dental coverage that begins in 2023 on the state-based marketplace, kynect. Kentuckians who don’t have coverage through another source, such as through an employer, Medicaid, the Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program, Medicare or TRICARE, can shop right now for individual coverage on kynect. All plans offered on the marketplace cover 10 essential health benefits, including emergency services, hospitalization, lab services and prescription drugs. Enrollment is open through January 15. Kentuckians can browse plans by typing in their zip code on the kynect site. Enrollment assistance is also available by contacting a kynector, someone who is trained to explain coverage options, either online or by calling 855-459-6328. A licensed health insurance agent can also help. To read the Governor’s full press release, click here.



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Description automatically generatedKCDHH Outreach


KCDHH Information Coordinator, Blake Campbell, third from left, attended a Metro United Way program in Louisville at Brown Forman in October. During lunch, he shared KCDHH information with employees. He and another members of the deaf and hard of hearing community also held roundtable discussions at their lunch café with Brown Forman employees. 




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48th Annual Gallaudet & Clerc Banquet, December 8, at KSD

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The deadline for buying tickets for the 48th annual Gallaudet & Clerc Banquet is Monday, November 28. The event, sponsored by the Kentucky Chapter of Gallaudet University Alumni Association and the Kentucky School for the Deaf (KSD), will be held in the Grow Hall Cafeteria at KSD on December 8, 6 p.m. The featured speaker is Frankfort’s own Heather Harker (pictured left), who presently serves as the Chief of Staff, Office of the President, Gallaudet University. Tickets are $15 per person and may be purchased by contacting Roger Coyer, coyer93@gmail.com or 859-439-0376 (VP). Tickets will not be sold at the door.



Kentucky Hands & Voices Trivia Night & Silent Auction

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Kentucky Hands & Voices Trivia Night is BACK in 2022! Join them on December 2, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., at Castle & Key Distillery in Frankfort. There will be10 rounds of trivia, along with a silent auction. All proceeds will benefit Kentucky Hands & Voices. A food truck and cash bar will be available. Desserts are provided! Dress up as your favorite holiday character but it is not required. A table of eight is $200; a table of six is $180 or purchase an individual ticket for $35. You can register by clicking here.



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‘Freeze Your Fanny’ for Hands & Voices, December 30


Run. Walk. Bike. Hike. Roll. Crawl. Whatever your mode, join Hands & Voices for the “Freeze Your Fanny Virtual 5K" to welcome in 2023! All registrants will receive a race t-shirt, and the first 500 registrants will receive a custom finisher's medal. Your shirt will ship in December prior to the event. However, if you register AFTER December 1, you may not receive your shirt prior to December 30. Register now for $30 and start raising money. Click here for more information.





KCDHH Needs You…


The Kentucky Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, a state agency within the Education and Labor Cabinet, is seeking applicants for Executive Administrative Secretary. The position is located in Frankfort, Kentucky. This is a wonderful opportunity for someone who wants to be immersed in Deaf culture, hone their signing skills, educate and advocate for the deaf and hard of hearing community, and work with a dedicated team of individuals. If you are interested in this position, see more by clicking here.


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November’s (2022) KCDHH Spotlight Q&A is with Edie Ryan, who serves on the KCDHH Commission Board. Ryan is from Chicago, IL but calls Paducah her home. She graduated from East Leyden High School in Franklyn Park, IL. She is a licensed certified interpreter by the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) and worked as an educational interpreter for the past 30-plus years. She also does private practice interpreting the western Kentucky area and is active in the deaf community. Ryan is mom to Josh and Danyell and has three grandchildren, Joshua, Julia, and Kylie. Read more here.



Tickets on Sale for KSD Gala, April 15, 2023


Early bird tickets for the Kentucky School for the Deaf’s 200th Anniversary Gala celebration went on sale June 1 and will continue through December 31. Tickets may be purchased online here.


HLAA Convention 2023 Call for Papers


HLAA 2023 is coming to New Orleans, June 29-July 1, 2023 and anticipating more than 25 educational workshops geared toward people with hearing loss. If you are interested in presenting, submit a proposal by December 9, 2022. For instructions and information on submitting a proposal, click here.


Deaf Women United Opens Registration for 2023


Deaf Women United has opened registration for the 2023 conference that will be held in Chicago, July 26 to July 30. The early-bird rate is available through February 28, 2023. For more information, click here.




MobileConnect Gives Hearing Devices Personal Touch


Hearing well in a large classroom can be an issue for anyone trying to understand an instructor, but especially difficult for someone who is deaf or hard of hearing. Add in anxiety about asking for help and learning can go from hard to nearly impossible. MobileConnect is assistive listening technology that streams live audio through a Wi-Fi connection to any smartphone in the room. It also is compatible with hearing aids and cochlear implants, something not always possible. Click here to learn how to use it.


What to Know About Buying Over the Counter Hearing Aids


The high cost of hearing aids has long been a barrier for many people who have hearing problems. Traditional prescription hearing aids cost on average $2,000 per ear, and many people need two of them.


But the US Food and Drug Administration's rule change in August means that people with mild to moderate hearing loss will be able to buy these devices online or in stores without a prescription -- and for a lower price – which started October 17.


That means people won't have to visit a hearing health professional and have a custom fitting, a process that can also be cost-prohibitive. Tens of millions of people have hearing loss, but only about 16% of them use a hearing aid, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.


Dr. Frank Lin, director of the Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Dr. Lindsay Creed of the American Speech Hearing Association, offer their advice on what to keep in mind when buying hearing aids over the counter: 1) Get tested; 2) Know what you’re buying; and 3) Know the difference between over the counter and prescription. Read more here.









COVID-19 Vaccine Resources



World Health Organization

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)


What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws



Kentucky Governor News

The official Team Kentucky source for Vaccine

Kentucky Registry of Vaccine Location

KCDHH COVID-19/Vaccine Important Links for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

KCDHH Facebook Page



For those who have deaf family members who use sign language, consider downloading Sorenson Wavello and/or the ZVRS Sivo   app on your smartphone. This app makes it possible for you to see your loved ones on your screen next to your interpreter.


Other KCDHH Resources:



KCDHH’s Telecommunications Access Program (TAP)

Landline or wireless equipment for Kentucky residents who are deaf, hard of hearing, speech impaired, or have both a hearing and vision loss.

KCDHH Commissioners





632 Versailles Road

Frankfort, KY 40601

502-573-2604 V | 502-416-0607 VP | 800-372-2907 Toll Free

kcdhh.ky.gov | kcdhh@ky.gov